Bertie’s Book Group | Thursday, 21st November 2024

Time: 18:00 – 19:00

Location: Online

Launched in 2018 as part of The King’s Fund’s NHS 70 celebrations, Bertie’s Book Group is a book club that focuses on fiction that touches on health or medical-related theme. The group is free, open to all and meets online on the third Thursday of every month.

About this event: November is Men’s Health Awareness month. To mark the occasion the group will be discussing David Harewood’s book Maybe I Don’t Belong Here: A Memoir of Race, Identity, Breakdown and Recovery. 

In this powerful and provocative account of a life lived after psychosis, critically acclaimed actor, David Harewood, uncovers devastating family history and investigates the very real impact of racism on Black mental health.

Join Bertie’s Book Club for an online gathering to discuss and discover new literary gems.